How to Make a Knitting Bag
If you knit on the go, you probably need a good knitting bag. While there are some well designed bags on the market, making your own allows for total customization to your knitting needs and preferences. Your bag should be large enough to hold your current project, additional yarn, pattern, magazine or book, knitting needles and notions.
Plan out what you need. This may depend on your knitting habits, how often you pack up your knitting bag, and whether you carry just your knitting or your lunch and other personal items in your bag. Sketch out pockets and other additions to the basic bag for knitting needles or other items. Snapping loops may work well for circular needles. Consider whether you would like to add a grommet to thread yarn through to prevent tangling. This is a popular feature in many knitting bags.Cut two 12 by 14 inch pieces from your outer fabric for a basic small 9 by 12 knitting tote. This size will work for small projects, including socks, baby items or gloves. Larger knitting bags are ideal if you knit sweaters, blankets or other items of a similar size or carry multiple knitting projects. You should also cut two pieces of sew in or fusible interfacing as you prefer and two lining pieces to the same size. Dimensions can be increased or altered to fit your personal needs, but do allow for a 1/2 inch seam allowance. A 9 by 12 inch bag is large enough to hold a hardcover book as well as a smallish knitting project and notions. Cut two straps 2 1/2 inches wide by your desired length. Cut pockets and accessories as desired. A knitting bag can never have too many pockets.Stack your fabrics, linings and interfacings. Cut a 1 by 1 inch square out of the lower right and left corner the entire stack. If you have planned to run any pockets into the seam allowances, do the same. Fuse or pin the interfacing per the manufacturer's directions.Lay the outer pieces right sides together and stitch around both sides and the bottom. You will still have the small square cutouts in either corner. Align the bottom and side seam on each corner, stitching across the cut out corner to create a box like corner for your bag. Repeat this with the lining, attaching any pockets if need be, leaving an opening in the lower seam for turning.Press strap pieces in half lengthwise, then bring each side to the center pressed crease. Iron again. Topstitch down the length of each strap piece. Pin the straps into place on the bag outer as desired. Add a magnetic snap to the lining, allowing space for the top seam, being sure to reinforce with interfacing or a fabric scrap.Align the inner and outer right sides together and stitch around the top of the bag. Be sure the straps are in between the lining and outer and will be secured when this seam is sewn. Turn the bag right side out through the opening in the lining and whipstitch this opening closed. Enjoy using your new knitting bag.